Aerospace Plasma Cleaning

Plasma cleaning and treatment are advantageous for creating aerospace and automotive components with consistent surface textures. With Surfx Technologies, LLC, aerospace and automotive production facilities can create strong bonds without a vacuum chamber or manual sanding.

Aerospace Plane with Transparencies

The Plasma Treatment Process

Surfx Technologies helps engineers and manufacturers by providing specialized products for aerospace and automotive plasma cleaning. We equip manufacturers with the resources to produce surfaces with fewer contaminants.

Surfx Technologies stands out from the competition by providing superior surface treatment for aircraft parts. The plasma created for our machines is generated at atmospheric pressure.

Expedite the length of time it takes to complete surface treatments without cutting corners and prioritize uptime by depending on Surfx Technologies products for in-line surface cleaning.

Plasma Treatment for Automotive and Aerospace Surfaces

Plasma cleanings and treatments are useful for electronic chips, motherboards and interior or exterior pieces used to assemble aircraft and traditional vehicles. Manufacturing operations expose aerospace and automotive surfaces to heat, light and intense conditions. Products from Surfx Technologies are designed to mitigate risks associated with organic contaminants altering component surfaces, performance and aesthetics.

Our professionals have a long history of partnering with production teams in the toughest manufacturing environments. Enhance the appearance, longevity and yield of original parts with the right aerospace and automotive plasma treatment products. Turn to Surfx Technologies for machines that treat:

  • Engine parts
  • Landing equipment
  • Hardware
  • Wings
  • Fuel tanks
  • Heat shields
  • Trim pieces
  • Transmission components
  • Fuel injection technology
  • Circuit boards

Our Approach to Plasma Treatments

Surfx Technologies uses argon, a chemically inert and widely available gas, to create plasma. Our argon plasma enhances the wettability of aerospace surfaces. Enhance adhesion properties while reducing contaminants that interfere with aerospace component quality.

Manufacturers can reduce the amount of waste due to less-than-ideal production results. Professionals in the aerospace and automotive sectors choose our products for surface cleaning and treatments to:

  • Limit unnecessary spending: Argon plasma activation and cleaning are done without vacuum chambers. Replacing vacuum chambers can improve consistency of treatment, reduce downtime, and improve quality via more process control.
  • Increase production control: Producing aerospace and automotive parts in one continuous line is achievable, as Surfx Technologies takes vacuum equipment out of the equation. Boost uptime across manufacturing stations.
  • Handle cleaning and preparation: Surfx Technologies’ products rely on the exposure of argon plasma to oxygen or hydrogen. Clean delicate electronics, surfaces and components without inflicting damage.
Potting Sensor

Separating Ourselves From Competitors

Surfx Technologies does not rely on vacuum and open-air plasma cleaning methods. Instead, we use argon gas to help teams complete manufacturing objectives from start to finish. Whether a manufacturing facility is responsible for creating microelectronics or fragile inserts for a vehicle’s cabin, we will assist.

Our novel technology is fully patented in the USA, and we outperform competitors with opportunities for faster results and custom treatments, which is ideal for high-volume production.

Contact Surfx Technologies for a Demo

Interested in seeing how our aerospace and automotive plasma treatment products work?

Complete a form with Surfx Technologies to schedule a demo today.